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Our Moemoea

Cultural Sovereignty for ngā tangata takiwātanga.

Ensuring Takiwātaonga communities have  access to

Cultural Knowledge, Development & Success.

Tino Rangatiratanga

Developing Takiwātanga Leadership


Connection to      Tūpuna, Atua, te Taiao. 

He Taonga Tuku Iho

Restoring Cultural roles & pathways for tangata Takiwātanga

Our services


Creating educational pathways for tangata takiwātanga that are centred on cultural identity ā-whānau, ā-hapū, ā-iwi. 

Whānau Wellbeing

Strengthening whānau ora with meaningful support & experiences that enhance kotahitanga, aroha and tino rangatiratanga.


Customised support for anyone seeking positive takiwātanga outcomes including Cultural Supervision, Advisory Support, Community Engagement & Consultancy Services. 

Ko wai mātou?

We are a kaupapa Māori whānau organisation supporting positive outcomes in takiwātanga leadership, training and education.

Through our lived experiences we offer solutions to thriving and reclaiming cultural identity as whānau Takiwātanga.

We elevate mātauranga Māori, tō tātou reo Rangatira me ōna Tikanga to navigate flourishing and sustainable futures in this modern world. 


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